{Introduce why we serve the community - Example: We’re a not-for-profit financial cooperative committed to serving our members’ and employees’ communities.}
{Explain how we serve the community - Example: In each of the counties we serve, we look for opportunities to partner with change-makers through event sponsorship, strategic grant-making and employee volunteerism. Please click on the appropriate link below to learn more about how your organization can partner with the credit union.}
Request a Sponsorship
{Explain sponsorships – Example: We are inspired by the amazing work being done to address important issues in our communities. If you have an organization or event we can help through sponsorship, let us know!}
Request a Grant
{Explain sponsorships – Example: Grants are another way we can help support programs and services addressing many important issues in our communities. If you believe we can help your program, let us know!}
Test Modal
Modal Content
Ea rerum vel molestiae omnis molestias. Et ut officiis aliquam earum et cum deleniti. Rerum temporibus ex cumque doloribus voluptatem alias.
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Rates effective as of: March 14, 2025
{Optional: Insert table disclosure information}
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