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Mobile App
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Get The App
{Insert the Product Name}

{Use Case: Problem & Solution >> [AIDA Framework/Attention (tone: default)]: Write a headline based on Attention. (Notes: Don't put a period at the end of the headline.)}

{Use Case: Problem & Solution >> [Website sub-headline] (tone: "Descriptive")]: Write a complete sentence for a sub-headline that is descriptive, factual, and starts with a verb (e.g., "Get", "Open").}


{Use Case: Problem & Solution >> [Feature to Benefit/Emotional benefits (tone: default)]: Write a complete sentence that communicates the emotional benefits people get from the features of this product.}

Add 2-6 features below. Remember, each Title should be a FEATURE.

If a product has more than 6 features, start with the ones that are derived from the Use Case Problem & Solution (by using the copywriting formulas), then focus on the Use Case Biggest Advantages.

For the remaining features (when there are more than 6), follow these instructions:

1. Duplicate this block
2. Drag the duplicated block into the Off-Canvas Panel "#all-features" (it will be easiest to drag if you collapse all of the blocks first)
2. Add Row Items to the duplicated block and follow the same pattern used to write content for the first 6 features


{Use Case: Problem & Solution >> [Feature to Benefit/Standard benefits (tone: default)]: In just a few words, describe one of the most important features of the product or service. Make sure all titles in this section are about the same length.}

{Page Content: Title of Row Item >> [Sentence Expander (tone: default)]: Write a short description by expanding upon the Title. Make sure all descriptions in this section are about the same length.}

{Use Case: Problem & Solution >> [Feature to Benefit/Standard benefits (tone: default)]: In just a few words, describe one of the most important features of the product or service. Make sure all titles in this section are about the same length.}

{Page Content: Title of Row Item >> [Sentence Expander (tone: default)]: Write a short description by expanding upon the Title. Make sure all descriptions in this section are about the same length.}

{Use Case: Problem & Solution >> [Feature to Benefit/Standard benefits (tone: default)]: In just a few words, describe one of the most important features of the product or service. Make sure all titles in this section are about the same length.}

{Page Content: Title of Row Item >> [Sentence Expander (tone: default)]: Write a short description by expanding upon the Title. Make sure all descriptions in this section are about the same length.}

{Use Case: Biggest Advantages: In a few words, summarize one of the Biggest Advantages that is not already mentioned above.}

{Page Content: Title of Row Item >> [Sentence Expander (tone: default)]: Write a short description by expanding upon the Title. Make sure all descriptions in this section are about the same length.}

{Use Case: Biggest Advantages: In a few words, summarize one of the Biggest Advantages that is not already mentioned above.}

{Page Content: Title of Row Item >> [Sentence Expander (tone: default)]: Write a short description by expanding upon the Title. Make sure all descriptions in this section are about the same length.}

{Use Case: Biggest Advantages: In a few words, summarize one of the Biggest Advantages that is not already mentioned above.}

{Page Content: Title of Row Item >> [Sentence Expander (tone: default)]: Write a short description by expanding upon the Title. Make sure all descriptions in this section are about the same length.}

And more ...

{Instructions: If this product has 7 or more features, keep this row. If 6 or fewer features, then delete this row.}

View all features

Good to know

{Use Case: Downside 1: Summarize in just a few words}

{Page Content: Title of Row Item >> [Sentence Expander (tone: default)]: Write a short description by expanding upon the Title. Make sure all descriptions in this section are about the same length.}

{If possible, link to a solution to the downside.}

{Use Case: Downside 2: Summarize in just a few words}

{Page Content: Title of Row Item >> [Sentence Expander (tone: default)]: Write a short description by expanding upon the Title. Make sure all descriptions in this section are about the same length.}

{If possible, link to a solution to the downside.}

{Use Case: Downside 3: Summarize in just a few words}

{Page Content: Title of Row Item >> [Sentence Expander (tone: default)]: Write a short description by expanding upon the Title. Make sure all descriptions in this section are about the same length.}

{If possible, link to a solution to the downside.}

{Use Case: Downside 4: Summarize in just a few words}

{Page Content: Title of Row Item >> [Sentence Expander (tone: default)]: Write a short description by expanding upon the Title. Make sure all descriptions in this section are about the same length.}

{If possible, link to a solution to the downside.}

Security & Control

Re-write me: Have peace of mind knowing your assets will be distributed according to your wishes. You can also delay access to assets until your beneficiaries reach a specific age or goal.


Re-write me: Trust account information isn’t public record. Estate, asset and beneficiary details will always be kept confidential.

Avoid Probate Court

Re-write me: Unlike with a will, assets held by a Trust skip the time-consuming and sometimes costly process of probate, where a court organizes and distributes assets.

{Example Title: "How it works"}

{Use Case: Problem & Solution >> [Website sub-headline] (tone: "Descriptive")]: Write a short sentence for a sub-headline that describes the process for getting this product, and starts with a verb (e.g., "Get", "Open").}

  • 1

    {Step 1 Title - Example: "Apply Online"}

    {Step Description: Briefly describe this step in the process}

  • 2

    {Step 2 Title - Example: "Download the App"}

    {Step Description: Briefly describe this step in the process}

  • 3

    {Step 3 Title - Example: "Get your card in the mail"}

    {Step Description: Briefly describe this step in the process}

{Call to Action}

Trust Types Explained

Re-write me: Choosing a type of trust depends on why you decide to create one. A professional who specializes in estate-planning laws for your state can help you find the right fit for your financial life.

Accounts – Trust Account Types

Rates effective as of: March 14, 2025

{Page Content: Title of Hero at top of this page >> [Content improver (tone: default)]: Rewrite the Title of the Hero block at top of this page. (Notes: Don't put a period at the end of the headline.)}

{Page Content: Sub-Title of Hero at top of this page >> [Content improver (tone: "Descriptive")]: Rewrite the Sub-Title of the Hero block at top of this page to create a sub-headline.}

  • {Instructions: Enter disclosures here. If there are no disclosures for this page, then delete this block.}